Voice Controlled Intelligent Wheelchair using Raspberry Pi

Abstract An intelligent wheelchair is designed to help physically disabled patients by using speech recognition system to control the movement of wheelchair in different directions. Automatic obstacle detection is done using an ultrasonic sonar system which helps the patient to apply a momentary brake in case any obstacle suddenly comes in the way of the …

Investigation of the influence of signal parameters on ultra-wideband (UWB) impulse radio systems

Abstract — This project investigates the effect of different pulse shaping techniques on spectra of a transmitted signal of an Ultra Wide Band communication system, the target is to achieve high spectral efficiency by finding the optimum parameters for pulse shaping filter. Another target is to achieve best bit error performances for different channel environments …

Research Paper – Building energy management in HVAC control system for university library

Abstract—University libraries are usually high energy-consuming buildings on campus and the operation efficiency of the air conditioning system is still far from satisfactory. Combined with the building automation technology, heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) control systems for university library buildings have been proposed via fieldbus communication. The analysis of control systems from the electrical technology …

Target Training and Shooting Evaluation System for Live Target

Abstract—The project “Target Training and Shooting Evaluation System for Live Target” is a Real-time scoring system for live fire training. In this project, two players will wear two different color jackets. Each player will have a gun with a camera mounted on it. The trigger of the gun whenever pressed by any player will send …

Evolution of the GSM to Mobile Broadband, HSPA (3G), LTE, Comparisons and Industry focus.

Abstract—To comprehend the Basic Concepts, Network Evolution, Specifications, Importance, and a few other aspects of GSM, HSPA & LTE and a brief scenario of migration from GSM to 3G (I-HSPA) is proposed for Pakistan Telecommunication Industry with the collaboration of Nokia Siemens Network Pakistan. Wireless telecommunication technologies have revolutionized the world as we know it. …

Categorization of Vertical handover and Modeling of Overhead Involved

Abstract— The evolution of new networks with their different technologies has enabled the existence of multiple standards to serve the necessities of communication. Each network with its architecture stands different from the others and thus there exists simultaneously, a heterogeneous association of multiple networks. With all the diversities in the world, the end user wants …